Role of the School Council
The school council works in partnership with school administration to promote a Catholic system with an excellent academic program founded on Christian values, directing students towards a conscious choice of living a responsible Catholic life. The school council shall be consultative to the Principal in all school matters for which the Principal seeks the Councils' advice and expertise. The Council is comprised of ten members, who share and offer advice regarding financial matters, policies, and school goals.
The officers of the Council consist of a President, Vice-President, Secretary and Financial Officer. The School Council meets on the third Monday of every month at 6:00 p.m. (subject to pastor)
School council minutes can be found in the school council binder located in the front office.
Visitors are free to attend any open council meetings, but may address the council only after the principal and council president have determined that the topic is appropriate for council consideration. Issues that deal with specific individuals or situations should be handled directly with school administration. Visitors should notify the principal and council president at least two weeks prior to the meeting so that they can be listed on the agenda.
Contact school council at:
President: Kathy Diaz
Ex-Officio Members
Pastor: Fr. Eric Ritter
School Principal: April Hallfrisch
School Administration: Vice Principal Teresita Villa
PTC: Christine Flores-Sanchez
Council Members:
Zumela Martinez
David Volk
Georgette Gutierrez
John Martinez
Luis Gonzales
Ben Bauman
Jenny Brady
Eddie Garza
Catherine Ruiz
Carolina Zamora